
Gluten Free, Vegan Banana Cookie Recipe!

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We found this healthy treat that would be a great way to bond with your child and feed your sweet tooth! One of the bloggers on Autism Spot shares her delicious recipe for gluten free, vegan banana cookies. They sound delicious so make sure you save that recipe! For more information, please visit the following site:

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Reading Fluency 101: How to Make Your Child a Fluent Reader

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Reading is one of the most important skills a child learns in their early years of education. Parents should be advocates and expand their child’s reading skills by reading daily and doing other exercises that involve reading skills. The ability to read is a multifactorial skill and many children have a hard time doing so. Here are some ways to get your kids to be fluent readers! What is Reading Fluency? Reading fluency is the ability to read quickly, smoothly, expressively, and comprehend written language. A fluent reader will be able to read without sounding “choppy;” meaning, when they read they sound very natural. Most importantly, they are able to understand the material they are reading. Fluent readers are able to decode word meaning and pronunciation simultaneously. Most children who have difficulties with reading most likely have a problem with pronunciation. When they read, they are not able to understand the text they are reading because they are too busy sounding out words. How to Improve Reading Fluency One of the best ways to aid pronunciation of words is by reading out loud or orally. Tell your child to pick his or her favorite book and sit down and read…

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Cerebral Palsy 101

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Cerebral Palsy is a condition that has a major impact on an individual’s life. It not only causes limited body movements and muscular incoordination, but also causes impaired speech. Speech is not affected because of an inability to learn, or acquire language, but because the muscles involved in speech are severely impacted. By strengthening muscles and working on developing muscular coordination, verbal communication can be possible. What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a cluster of conditions that affect body movement and muscle coordination. This condition is usually caused by damage of the brain during fetal development or early infancy. Children with this difficulty will not be able to use the muscles in the body in the same way as normally developing children. Some will face difficult challenges when walking, talking, eating, and even playing. Cerebral Palsy or CP, is not a disease or illness that is contagious, is a difference in development. They are unable to control muscular movements and coordinate body movements correctly. Children with CP will have it throughout their lives; unfortunately, there is no known cure. But through intervention and therapy, they may be apt to live fruitful lives. What Causes Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is…

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A Fun Game to Help Foster Your Child’s Language Development at Home

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Written by Nicole Fisher, Student Clinician, FIU It is well documented that children explore the world and learn through play. You can promote your child’s language development through play in a number of ways. One fun way to build your child’s vocabulary, teach the function of household items, and promote auditory processing skills is to do a scavenger hunt. Scavenger Hunt Tell your child that you hid a prize in the house. It could be a cookie, a toy, or perhaps a quarter. Ask them to help you find it. Give clues that suit your child’s level of language development. Level 1 Ask your child to find certain items around the house. This will help develop awareness of their environment while building vocabulary. Once your child finds the item have him or her tell you what it is used for. Leave a prize at one of the items. Ex. Find the bathtub Find your toothbrush Find mommy’s bed. Find your bed. Find the refrigerator. Level 2 Ask question to elicit the place or object you want the child to find. Ex. Where do you sleep? What do you put toothpaste on? Level 3 Give more complex clues. Incorporate function, location,…

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Navigating Through the Bad Days

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written by Nicole Fisher, Student Clinician, FIU Life is unpredictable.  As stated in the movie Forest Gump, we often find that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” We all have good days, and we all have bad days. As parents, your lives revolve around your children. When your child is having a good day, you are having a fantastic day. However, if your child is having a bad day, you may find that you are having a downright horrible day. Parents of children with autism may find life to be especially unpredictable. For a child with autism navigating through the world can be a very challenging and emotionally exhausting task. Thus, parents often spend a considerable amount of time and energy helping their child to learn how to cope and survive these bad days—but what about you? Here are a few tips to help you, the parent, get through those bad days: 1.    Forgive Yourself Remind yourself that you are human. You are allowed to have bad days. While parenthood can bring immense joy, it can also leave you feeling tired, frustrated, and perhaps a little angry. It is ok to…

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