Reading Fluency 101: How to Make Your Child a Fluent Reader

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Reading is one of the most important skills a child learns in their early years of education. Parents should be advocates and expand their child’s reading skills by reading daily and doing other exercises that involve reading skills. The ability to read is a multifactorial skill and many children have a hard time doing so. Here are some ways to get your kids to be fluent readers!

What is Reading Fluency?

Reading fluency is the ability to read quickly, smoothly, expressively, and comprehend written language. A fluent reader will be able to read without sounding “choppy;” meaning, when they read they sound very natural. Most importantly, they are able to understand the material they are reading.
Fluent readers are able to decode word meaning and pronunciation simultaneously. Most children who have difficulties with reading most likely have a problem with pronunciation. When they read, they are not able to understand the text they are reading because they are too busy sounding out words.

How to Improve Reading Fluency

One of the best ways to aid pronunciation of words is by reading out loud or orally. Tell your child to pick his or her favorite book and sit down and read it with them. This exercise should advocate the child to read to you. When he/she gets stuck, ask them to sound it out rather than just telling them. This will allow the child to practice sounding out words that they are unfamiliar with.

Another great way to practice is by modeling. You read a short phrase and ask the child to repeat after you. This gives the child an example of how their reading should sound like. With practice, they will develop their own style of reading.
Children with a reading difficulty should not be reading silently. Parents should sit down with their kids daily and read. It can be before or after homework, or before bed.

Let’s us not forget about reading comprehension. As you read with your child, stop them in the middle of paragraphs or pages and ask them what has happened in the story so far. This means, you have to be paying attention to the story too! Ask them specific questions related to the story and have your child answer. If he/she does not know the answer make them look for it. This practice will help your children in reading comprehension skills that will be tested in school.

Remember parents, it is important for you to keep a close relationship with your child’s teachers.  They spend most of the day with your child and know clearly where their strengths and weaknesses are.  If you notice a delay in your child’s reading you should advise his/her teacher immediately. The teacher will be able to help your child overcome his/her reading difficulty and guide you on how to practice at home.

School is just about to start and therefore let’s try and make this year an awesome academic year!

For more information on Reading Fluency please click on the link below: