A Fun Game to Help Foster Your Child’s Language Development at Home

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Written by Nicole Fisher, Student Clinician, FIU

It is well documented that children explore the world and learn through play. You can promote your child’s language development through play in a number of ways. One fun way to build your child’s vocabulary, teach the function of household items, and promote auditory processing skills is to do a scavenger hunt.

Scavenger Hunt
Tell your child that you hid a prize in the house. It could be a cookie, a toy, or perhaps a quarter. Ask them to help you find it. Give clues that suit your child’s level of language development.

Level 1
Ask your child to find certain items around the house. This will help develop awareness of their environment while building vocabulary. Once your child finds the item have him or her tell you what it is used for. Leave a prize at one of the items.
Find the bathtub
Find your toothbrush
Find mommy’s bed.
Find your bed.
Find the refrigerator.

Level 2
Ask question to elicit the place or object you want the child to find.
Where do you sleep?
What do you put toothpaste on?

Level 3
Give more complex clues. Incorporate function, location, and prepositions.
What do you use to sit on? Look under it.
Where do you take a bath? Look inside it.
Go to your bedroom and look next to the bear on the shelf.

Reverse Scavenger Hunt
The same concept can be applied to cleaning up. You can bring a bunch of items into the living room and have your child help you put the items where they belong. Ask your child “what,” and “where,” questions about the object. (ex. What is this? What do you use a spoon for? Where does it belong?) You can also give the child multilevel directions. (Put the spoon in the kitchen. /Put the spoon on the counter in the kitchen. /Put the spoon on the counter next to the sink in the kitchen.)

You can continue to increase the complexity of the directions as it suits your child. Furthermore, you can take turns. Have your child hide an object and give you clues to find it. Most importantly, be creative and have fun!