Walking on the Right Path…

  • September 6, 2010
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Intern Reflection, by Julie Milian.

“Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.”
“Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking”
Author: Antonio Machado

As a Graduate Student from Florida International University, I’m required to do four semesters of internship. My FIU supervisor provided me with a list of places that were available to do my first rotation. Overwhelmed by the long list, I started to get nervous; many questions came to mind. What kind of services do they offer? From what place am I going to learn the most? What is the right place, anyways, if there is one? Among many others.

I decided to do some research. The first thing that caught my attention from Speech Therapy Center website was their commitment, which is that of “Following our heart and our passion has brought us here, and our dedication to those who we serve will help get them to where they want to be.” PASSION and DEDICATION…Then I knew that that was the place where I wanted to do my first semester of internship. There is nothing better than to feel welcome; especially for a first time intern. That’s how I felt from the first day I met the supervisors Barbie and Becky.

During these four months, I have had the opportunity to work with a population that ranges from 3yrs to 20yrs old. My responsibilities were not only assessing and implementing therapy, but also communicating to the parents or caregivers the daily progress of the patient. More than once, I was asked by the parents “do you think my child will ever talk?” I truly believe that the day I stop thinking that a child with potential to talk will NOT; that day, I will change my career. It is not only the responsibility of the therapist, but also that of the family and teachers to help the child in his/her developmental progress; we are a team. As Barbie always said, “we need to have and set high expectations for the patients and we will obtain great results.”

I have felt blessed since the first day I started with Speech Therapy Center. I have developed the confidence and the knowledge necessary that a book can’t give me. This I gained, not only from my supervisors, but also from the patients and their families. I am very thankful for this opportunity to be an interim at the Speech Therapy Center, and especially for the support and guidance that I have received from all. Now than ever before, I know I am walking on the right path.

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