
Sparking Fun in Your Summer Routine!

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In order for children to truly enjoy reading, it is important to establish a routine at a very early age. Thus, the routine will stimulate interest and fun into the task of reading. Without interest, their motivation for reading is going to be very low. And motivation for reading should never be low. It is your job as a parent to spark fun into reading so that your children can be academically successful. We stress the importance of early exposure to books and stories. Children from an early age can begin understanding ideas such as: characters, setting, and plot in books as well using these elements to build stories of their own. As your child progresses through more advanced reading levels other elements such as vocabulary, conversation and reading comprehension skills become more and more significant. Reading for Toddlers: Although babies cannot read, you can read to them. Ideally, you want to pick books with many pictures, colors, and textures. This will expose your child to a multisensory approach in the development of their senses of hearing, sight, smell, and touch. This interaction of the senses will make reading all the more interesting. Many of the books that are made…

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When It’s Time to READ, It’s a Small World After All

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Disney Digital Books offers a fantastic way to facilitate reading. This can be beneficial for children of all ages, and maybe even some teens. You have the option of trying out the website for FREE for 7 days so that you can experience how fun and easy it is. They have over 700 books to choose from, ranging from the Disney classics, to new stories about sharing, friendship, family, and friends. I actually tried the 7-day trial and I truly enjoyed it. It is extremely child user friendly; if your child has a hard time reading a word, you click on it, and a voice will say it for you. It also works on reading comprehension skills; throughout the story it will ask you questions about what you just read. As you answer questions correctly, you accumulate points for rewards and higher reading levels. I think it is an excellent tool for reading; I really enjoyed this program myself. Log onto to check it out! Cristine R. Jimenez Language Stimulation Specialist Speech Therapy Center, Inc.

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Children’s Book Week: May 10-16

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Children’s Book Week online has something for everyone; including parents, children, and  professionals! You can play games, solve puzzles, join contests, and find out about new books. The site features Children’s Choice Book Awards, a national child chosen book award program. It is great to know what books are recommended for your kids by kids! Currently there are no local events here in Miami. But if you live outside Miami, make sure to check if they will be hosting an event near you! Also, be sure to visit your local library, they may be participating in the  festivities. For more information on Book Week, visit their website:

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Free Audio Downloads of Popular Children's Books!

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AudibleKids has partnered with Reading is Fundamental (RIF) to offer free audio downloads of popular children’s books including Rapunzel and R.L. Stine’s Rotten School: The Song, and so on… Click here for more information

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All About the ABC’s…

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G…the alphabet song is usually the method used to teach children their alphabet. Although the alphabet song does help, it usually causes children to memorize the melody of the song rather than the actual letter. Especially in the L, M, N, O, P part, it sounds more like “elemeno-pee” than the pronunciation of the letters! After a little research, and using my own creativity, I found a few ways that may help you teach your child the alphabet rather than using the traditional ABC song. The alphabet is the foundation of many important skills that your child will develop in the future; without it reading and writing will not be possible. Knowing the letters is essential, but more important than that, is knowing the sounds of the letters. Reading is usually taught by sounding out the letters and making a word out of the sounds. If a child cannot match the letter A with its corresponding “aaah” sound, then reading is going to be a difficult task. It is important to begin preparing your child for reading at an early age, and exposing him/her to educational resources, it will help them in the long…

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