When It’s Time to READ, It’s a Small World After All

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Disney Digital Books offers a fantastic way to facilitate reading. This can be beneficial for children of all ages, and maybe even some teens. You have the option of trying out the website for FREE for 7 days so that you can experience how fun and easy it is.

They have over 700 books to choose from, ranging from the Disney classics, to new stories about sharing, friendship, family, and friends. I actually tried the 7-day trial and I truly enjoyed it. It is extremely child user friendly; if your child has a hard time reading a word, you click on it, and a voice will say it for you.

It also works on reading comprehension skills; throughout the story it will ask you questions about what you just read. As you answer questions correctly, you accumulate points for rewards and higher reading levels.

I think it is an excellent tool for reading; I really enjoyed this program myself. Log onto http://disneydigitalbooks.go.com/ to check it out!

Cristine R. Jimenez
Language Stimulation Specialist
Speech Therapy Center, Inc.