Setting Educational Goals: Meeting Your Child’s Academic Needs During Summer Break

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Prepare your child for the next grade by setting clear goals for the summer. Start by making a list of things for your child to do to prepare him for the new academic year. Then plot the activities on a calendar. You can use a white board and erasable markers, or use a pre-made calendar in order to give yourself and your child a visual reinforcement. On your calendar, jot down goals to accomplish daily, weekly and monthly. Every child is different, so every calendar will be unique. The main idea behind this task is that your child will return to school ready for the new academic year. Remember to reward yourself and your children for the accomplishments of summer learning.

Here is an example of activities for a student approaching first grade:

Monday: Review or learn how to add single numbers
Tuesday: Practice book report writing
Wednesday: Practice handwriting letters and number and drawing shapes and figures
Thursday: Learn (10) new words
Friday: Practice letter and sounds