How to Build Early Language in your Language Delayed Child at Home or in the Car

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written by Julie A. Milian, Student Clinician, FIU

Read to your child for about 5-8 min. every day.
Books should contain simple pictures and language.
Describe the pictures, name and point to the animals, objects and people in the story.
Ask lots of WH questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why. i.e., Who is this? What is she/he doing? Where are they going?

Play with your child for about 15-25 min every day.
Puzzles: animals, transportation, numbers, and alphabet puzzles are great.
Ball: throw and catch
Toy Animals: hide an animal and describe it your child will have to guess. Take turns hiding and guessing.

Name body parts and identify what you do with them.
i.e., I walk with my feet, I eat with my mouth.

Ask them questions that requires a choice.
i. e., Do you want juice or milk? Do you want apple or grapes?
i. e., Do you want a blue or red shirt?

Count and sing as much as you can.
You can count cans, apples, bananas, etc. at the store while food shopping.
Sing on the way to the store or while bathing your child.

Use two words to comment with their newly learned vocabulary.
i,e., gimme apple, more ball, yummy juice