Does Autism Equal Divorce?

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In a study of 78,000 children, 64% had autism spectrum disorders and had married parents. In contrast, according to a Special Needs Parenting Article supported by research conducted on May 19, 2010; 80% of marriages end in divorce when a child in the family has autism. However, there is no scientific basis for this cause, yet autism just like any other medical diagnosis can eventually take a toll on a family.

Once a family discovers that their loved one is indeed touched by Autism, they are consumed with therapy and medical appointments. They forget the importance of building and keeping a strong foundation for a family. Mothers usually tend to the child and completely forget about their spouse and her own needs. If you feel that your family needs help, ask for help and don’t let yourselves become another statistic of divorce.

A Personal Account of Family Dynamics Once Affected by Autism

Here is a personal account of a family affected by the diagnosis of Autism deals with family building and addressing the needs of the people in the family as opposed to concentrating energy solely on the child with a special need. In this article the Donnell family addresses the emotional, financial, and personal strains they have confronted in their journey. They have learned strategies of sharing the responsibilities of caring for Emerson, as well as caring for selves and others in the family. To read this inspirational story look at: