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Early Literacy: Selecting Books for Young Children

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Children are never to young to be read to and to start reading. Reading helps children acquire speech and communications skills during their development. However, one may ask what types of books are better suited for children and which books are children typically engaged in the most? For ideas on selecting the best books for your children please visit the Teach More Love More site Link to Full Article:

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School Anxiety: A Common Issue for Children with Autism

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According to Connie Hammer, there are many factors that contribute to the anxiety that a child exhibits when starting school. For a child with autism starting a new school year brings many negative affects on their overall behavior toward new surroundings and new people. It is known that children with autism do not like change in their routine they tend to become irritated, angry, and confused. Parents may struggle to help their autistic child cope with the changes associated with starting school because they are unaware of the steps to take. The key to a smooth transition into a new school year for an autistic child is targeting the problems that may arise before they happen. Keep in mind that understanding your child; their behaviors, and the factors that occur along with changes in their routine is the first steps toward preventing anxiety when starting a new school year. For more information and tips on making transitions more manageable please visit the Parent Coaching For Autism site.

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Help My Child is Screaming on The Floor, Now What?

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First step in understanding your child is to understand what is going on inside their heads. During development children’s emotional brain areas are more in control then their thinking areas. For helpful insight on tips to help understand what your child is feeling and how to interpret their behaviors and emotions click on the link below for the full article by Creativity Queen.

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Singing to Children May Help Development of Language Skills

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Most parents feel that placing emphasis on reading, writing, and numeracy is the key to education success and well being for their child. However, this article elaborates that children benefit from singing before they develop speech skills. Keep in mind that singing is its own kind of speech. To read further, click here for the full article:

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Stop Summer Learning Loss

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Parents don’t freak out because school is out, the learning always continues even in the summer! This article focuses on tasks and activities available for parents to do with their child in the summer that incorporates both fun and academics. Keep in mind, fun and learning go hand in hand.  Just because your child is not in school doesn’t mean they cant learn something new. To engage your child further, try to get involved in their academic goals for the up coming school year. As a result they have a greater chance of success and good grades to prove that your time and commitment paid off as a parent. Click here for the full article:

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