Monthly Archives :

August 2010

Stuttering: Risk Factors

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The following risk factors are common amongst individuals with a stuttering difficulty: Evidence shows that stuttering is hereditary; if a family member has been diagnosed with stuttering chances are other members of the family will have it too. If stuttering begins before the age of 3, the child will most likely outgrow it. In most cases, children will only stutter for 12-24 months and then suddenly outgrow it. For those who stutter for longer than 12-24 months, they will need intervention to aid the stuttering. Girls are more likely than boys to outgrow stuttering, making boys more prone to having a stuttering difficulty. Normal disfluencies occur, but usually disappear within a short period of time. You should be concerned if these disfluencies prolong over a period of time. Remember, just because your child shows any of these signs does not necessarily mean he/she is a stutterer.  But be sure to check in with a professional for more information. To read more about these 5 risk factors, please visit:

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Cerebral Palsy 101

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Cerebral Palsy is a condition that has a major impact on an individual’s life. It not only causes limited body movements and muscular incoordination, but also causes impaired speech. Speech is not affected because of an inability to learn, or acquire language, but because the muscles involved in speech are severely impacted. By strengthening muscles and working on developing muscular coordination, verbal communication can be possible. What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a cluster of conditions that affect body movement and muscle coordination. This condition is usually caused by damage of the brain during fetal development or early infancy. Children with this difficulty will not be able to use the muscles in the body in the same way as normally developing children. Some will face difficult challenges when walking, talking, eating, and even playing. Cerebral Palsy or CP, is not a disease or illness that is contagious, is a difference in development. They are unable to control muscular movements and coordinate body movements correctly. Children with CP will have it throughout their lives; unfortunately, there is no known cure. But through intervention and therapy, they may be apt to live fruitful lives. What Causes Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is…

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The Stuttering Foundation: Community Organization in Review

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The Stuttering Foundation is a non-for profit organization committed to supporting, helping, and informing those who stutter, their families and the professionals who serve them. Their website offers a variety of information regarding stuttering; including symptom descriptions, therapy information, research findings, and a newsletter.  This can be a very useful site for parents, doctors, therapists, teachers, and individuals who deal with stuttering. To learn more about the Stuttering Foundation, please visit their website at:

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